Sunday, October 11, 2020

Egg Island Videos

Gonzalo jibing at Egg Island

Yesterday brought some warm south westerlies around 30 mph, which drew a crowd of windsurfers to Kalmus. I escaped to Egg Island, with Jon and Gonzalo keeping me company. The trip to Egg Island near low tide was easy, with only moderate chop:

It was nice and flat at the outer sandbar for speed runs:

Jibing in the flats is always fun - here's Gonzalo and Jon up close:

We took turns standing in the warm water and holding the camera, which gave me motivation to plane through a few jibes:

Here's one filmed with the Clew View mount:

Jon and Gonzalo played around with duck jibes - here's one from Jon:

The wind at Egg Island was a bit lighter than in front of the launch at Kalmus, especially a bit further into the bay where the wind came across Great Island. A larger board and/or a larger sail than my 3S 96 and 4.7 wave sail would have avoided a bit of slogging every now and then. But on the way back, I was glad to be on the small board and sail, since the chop had gotten bigger, and I was quite nicely powered. Rocktober rocks!

Here are yesterday's GPS tracks: