We have received the "Special Event Permit" from the Town of Barnstable, so it is official now: the first East Coast Windsurfing Festival - Cape Cod will take place at Kalmus Beach on the weekend of September 14 and 15, 2013. We will have fun races and a freestyle competition that is modeled after the very successful ECWF Long Island, which had to be canceled this year due to damage from last years storms.
For more information about the ECWF Cape Cod, check http://www.ecwindfest.org/.
Note that the "Marine Event Permit" is still pending with the Coast Guard. According to our talks with the very helpful Barnstable Harbor Master and his assistant, there should be no problem in getting this permit (or a notification that we do not need it, after all). However, there is a (very) small chance that this permit will be denied, and that we have to cancel the event.
180° wind shift for Wing Skiing
1 week ago