Saturday, August 13, 2016

Kalmus Goes Off

Computer models predicted 20 mph, but the iWindsurf meteorologist knew better and predicted mid to high 20s. So Kalmus was crowded yesterday:
The pictures shown are from Eddie Devereaux  - check out Eddie's Facebook page for many more!
As usual at Kalmus, the wind played games. It ramped up from 20 mph averages at 8 am to 30 mph shortly after noon, sending to rig smaller sails. Once we were done, the wind dropped down to 13 mph. Ha!

But it came back at 3 pm, and stayed around 30 mph for 3 hours. Lot son fun on the water - every time I looked, someone was jumping. Mike Burns and Chris Eldridge where there to practice for the upcoming East Coast Windsurfing Festival Cape Cod, and lots of forward loops, Shakas, Burners, Flakas, and more could be seen. Here are a few more of Eddies pictures:
Crowds on the water
Mike loops
Chris Shakas
Dean flying on slalom gear
One-handed Flaka
Marty takes off
Chris loops